Are you ready for the Venuslauf 2024? (For KAEFER employees, their family and friends only.)

It’s time again for the unstoppable #KAEFERTeam to come together and take on the battle against cancer.

From 13 to 15 September, we will be collecting kilometres by participating in various sports around the world and we want you to join us!

In the Venuslauf 2024, every kilometre makes a difference, because we have a clear goal in mind: to support cancer charities as much as possible. And to achieve this, we aim to circle the globe with our kilometres once and collect 40,075 kilometres.

The KAEFER FOUNDATION is supporting us by making a donation to a cancer charity for every kilometre we collect.

How you collect kilometres is almost entirely up to you. All sports where you can measure kilometres count. From cycling to jogging, from inline skating to canoeing: Every kilometre is for a good cause.

Do you want to take part and get active in the fight against cancer? 
Here are the things you can do:

  • Visit the #Venuslauf 2024 – KAEFER SE & Co. KG and find out more about the Venuslauf and how you can support it.
  • Tell your family, friends and colleagues about the event.
  • Register your family, friends and yourself! You can access te registration here:
  • Collect as many kilometres as you can by doing any sport that can be measured in kilometres the whole weekend long.
  • Remember: It’s not about being the fastest; it’s about joining forces with the #KAEFERTeam for a good cause!

Let’s finish the Venuslauf 2024 successfully and leave a lasting impression.

When it counts, we count on you!