Corrosion under Insulation – CUI matters Safety, Reliability, Reputation

Bre­men, Ger­many

Cor­ro­sion un­der In­su­la­tion (CUI) is a ma­jor prob­lem af­fect­ing the in­su­la­tion in­dustry world­wide. If not de­tec­ted and treated CUI can cause severe ac­ci­dents in in­dus­trial plants.

For the pur­pose of in­form­ing col­leagues, cli­ents and busi­ness part­ners, KAE­FER’s CIE De­part­ment (Cor­por­ate In­nov­a­tion and Tech­nical Ex­cel­lence) in col­lab­or­a­tion with Paint-In­ cre­ated an an­im­a­tion of CUI that il­lus­trates the pro­cess of Cor­ro­sion un­der In­su­la­tion in a very clear and com­pre­hens­ible way.

KAE­FER’s CIE de­part­ment is con­trib­ut­ing to com­bat­ing the dangers of CUI by provid­ing CUI Health Checks in col­lab­or­a­tion with the local KAEFER en­tity to our cli­ents. CUI Health Checks are full site over­views of cur­rent en­gin­eer­ing and in­spec­tion prac­tices, con­clud­ing re­com­mend­a­tions for how to amend ac­tions for bet­ter site ef­fi­ciency and CUI pre­ven­tion.

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