It’s time for the Venu­slauf 2022 – let’s run!


We are thrilled to an­nounce that this year more than 2,600 par­ti­cipants from 28 coun­tries have signed up to the Venu­slauf 2022 help­ing in the fight against can­cer. This means that we have doubled the num­ber of par­ti­cipants from last year! What an achieve­ment!
Between today and the 18. Septem­ber 2022 we will run, swim, walk and so much more in or­der to col­lect kilo­metres which will then be trans­formed into a dona­tion to dif­fer­ent can­cer char­it­ies by the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION.
Our goal this year: we want to take the Venu­slauf around the globe. 40,075.017km for a good cause. So let´s do everything we can to achieve this! Be­cause when it counts, we count on you!