KAEFER FOUNDATION looking back at 2021


Fol­low­ing our mis­sion to provide fast and ef­fect­ive help where it is needed and to change the lives of people in a pos­it­ive way, the KAEFER Found­a­tion sup­ports many sus­tain­able pro­jects all over the world.

As 2021 draws to a close, we take a mo­ment to look back at what we have achieved to­gether in this year. To do so, we are happy to present you a short video about the work of the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION.

We would like to thank all the sup­port­ers for their com­mit­ment! With your help we have man­aged to change many lives for the bet­ter.

We wish you all a Happy New Year and look for­ward to con­tinu­ing to suc­cess­fully “change lives” to­gether.