KAEFER strengthens part­ner­ship with Wood, de­liv­er­ing off­shore ser­vices to Equi­nor

United King­dom & Ire­land

KAEFER in the UK & Ire­land has entered into a three-year agree­ment with Wood, the global con­sult­ing and en­gin­eer­ing com­pany, to de­liver in­dus­trial sup­port ser­vices at Equi­nor’s Mar­iner field. The agree­ment will run for three years from Janu­ary 2021 through to Q4 2023.

Chris Foulkes, CEO of KAEFER UK & Ire­land said “We are pleased to con­tinue our strong part­ner­ship as KAEFER with Wood fol­low­ing the ac­quis­i­tion of Wood in­dus­trial ser­vices last year. This award again de­mon­strates the col­lab­or­at­ive value we de­liver to our end Cli­ents.”

Craig Shana­ghey, Pres­id­ent of Wood’s Op­er­a­tions across Europe, Middle East and Africa, com­ments: “We are pleased to con­tinue our part­ner­ship with KAEFER, as we work to­gether to de­liver safe, re­li­able, and op­tim­ised op­er­a­tions for our cli­ent, Equi­nor, at the Mar­iner field.”

Mar­iner is one of the most in­nov­at­ive off­shore de­vel­op­ments, sup­por­ted by new di­gital solu­tions and the latest tech­no­lo­gies, in­clud­ing auto­mated drilling and di­gital twin solu­tions. The Mar­iner field is Equi­nor’s first op­er­ated de­vel­op­ment in the UK North Sea.

The work will be de­livered by KAE­FER’s Ab­er­deen-based on­shore and off­shore teams, with sup­port from the UK & Ire­land busi­ness.