Prestige project for KAEFER Construction in Hamburg

Ham­burg, Ger­many

Ham­burg’s Hafen­City is Europe’s most am­bi­tious in­ner-city de­vel­op­ment where mod­ern ar­chi­tec­ture meets the city’s his­tor­ical UN­ESCO sites. The El­b­phil­har­monie Ham­burg, the massive cruise ships at the piers – there is plenty to see and do by the Elbe river.

In the centre of Hafen­City, a mixed-use pro­ject is be­ing de­veloped that will com­bine the work­ing world with hous­ing and ap­peal­ing shop­ping, cul­tural and leis­ure fa­cil­it­ies. Open and urban, the so called “West­field Ham­burg-Über­seequart­ier” is in­ten­ded to rep­res­ent the pulsat­ing core of Ham­burg. Within the frame­work of this, around 650 flats, 4,200 work­places in the of­fice build­ings, 3 ho­tels – shop­ping and gast­ro­nomy fa­cil­it­ies – as well as cul­tural and leis­ure fa­cil­it­ies – with a cinema as the centrepiece – will be built. In ad­di­tion, a cruise ter­minal with an un­der­ground bus sta­tion will be in­teg­rated into the con­struc­tion pro­cess. By end of 2023 “West­field Ham­burg-Über­seequart­ier” com­plex will have 14 in­di­vidual build­ings. Uni­bail-Rodamco-West­field is the in­vestor and pro­ject de­veloper.

The façade team of KAEFER Con­struc­tion in Ham­burg has been awar­ded the con­tract for work on the façade of struc­ture F5, which will start between April and Au­gust 2022. With its spe­cial uses, the F5 struc­ture is a hy­brid between a re­tail prop­erty and a cinema. This func­tional sep­ar­a­tion is also re­flec­ted in the façade design, which is vis­ible in a ho­ri­zontal di­vi­sion into two parts. Above the ground floor/​ground floor 1 façade, there is a largely closed façade with a soft trans­ition, which en­closes the struc­ture of the cinema. Freely swinging red brick sur­faces set the volume, which is one of the centrepieces of the en­tire en­semble, in mo­tion and lend it plas­ti­city and a tex­tile im­pres­sion. Like a cur­tain, the façade sets the stage for the cinema com­plex’s guests.

“The pro­ject at ‘West­field Ham­burg-Über­seequart­i­er’ is ex­cit­ing and we are con­fid­ent that we will com­plete the pro­ject within the planned time to the highest qual­ity stand­ards and are pleased to be able to work on this pres­ti­gi­ous pro­ject”, says Heiko Schneidereit, Pro­ject Man­ager Facade Ham­burg

We wish the team every suc­cess in the im­ple­ment­a­tion of this ex­cit­ing pro­ject.