Reconciliation Action Plan in Australia published


KAEFER in Aus­tralia is proud to an­nounce its first In­nov­ate Re­con­cili­ation Ac­tion Plan (RAP) has been of­fi­cially en­dorsed by Re­con­cili­ation Aus­tralia for June 2022 – June 2024. This jour­ney would­n’t have been pos­sible without the sup­port and guid­ance of Re­con­cili­ation Aus­tralia and Re­con­cili­ation WA.

The RAP is a stra­tegic doc­u­ment that provides a frame­work and path­way to con­tinue to demon­strate KAE­FER’s com­mit­ment to ad­van­cing Ab­ori­ginal & Torres Strait Is­lander and non-In­di­gen­ous par­ti­cip­a­tion in its busi­ness through ef­forts to­wards Re­con­cili­ation. It out­lines and sup­ports KAE­FER’s vis­ion and con­tri­bu­tion to Re­con­cili­ation, both in­tern­ally within the busi­ness and in the com­munit­ies in which KAEFER op­er­ates.

As a busi­ness, KAEFER will con­tinue to pro­mote and build mean­ing­ful, re­spect­ful re­la­tion­ships with local Ab­ori­ginal & Torres Strait Is­lander com­munit­ies and foster op­por­tun­it­ies across sup­plier di­versity, Ab­ori­ginal & Torres Strait Is­lander re­cruit­ment and cul­tural learn­ing. We look for­ward to shar­ing stor­ies from our Aus­tralian col­leagues as they pro­gress through their Re­con­cili­ation jour­ney.