Successful “Proof of Technology” for KAEFER’s Power Induced Catalytic Combustor

Bre­men, Ger­many

We’re one step closer to act­ively sup­port cli­mate pro­tec­tion: the ‘Proof of Tech­no­logy’ was suc­cess­fully car­ried out for KAE­FER’s Power In­duced Cata­lytic Com­bus­tor (PICC).

PICC is a ma­chine de­veloped by KAEFER whose sys­tem – pat­ent pending – is used for the flame­less re­cyc­ling of ex­tremely cli­mate-dam­aging meth­ane gases, as pro­duced in large quant­it­ies for ex­ample in covered land­fills. One of PIC­C’s ad­vant­ages is its small size, al­low­ing the sys­tem to be used for de­cent­ral­ized ap­plic­a­tions. Dur­ing ‘Proof of Tech­no­logy’, PICC gen­er­ated elec­trical en­ergy out of gas.

“With this tech­no­logy, we not only could provide a real an­swer to one of the most press­ing top­ics e.g. the re­cyc­ling of rub­ber or plastic waste. Ad­di­tion­ally, it would give us the chance to de­velop new busi­ness op­por­tun­it­ies for KAEFER in the so-called “green tech­no­lo­gies. PICC is an­other way to high­light our com­mit­ment to sus­tain­ab­il­ity”, adds Thomas-Peter Wilk, Head of Cor­por­ate In­nov­a­tion & Tech­nical Ex­cel­lence.

Led by An­dreas Pöp­ping­haus, the PICC team is now plan­ning to ap­ply the sys­tem in a so-called field test at a po­ten­tial cus­tomer still this year to start en­dur­ance tests. A suc­cess­ful field test would en­able KAEFER to de­velop new busi­ness do­mains and con­sequently lead to a fur­ther con­tri­bu­tion of cli­mate pro­tec­tion.