The KAEFER Expert Network


Be­hind every KAEFER en­tity stands the KAEFER group with over 5,000 job­sites and branches in 30 coun­tries world­wide. Around the globe, we have tech­nical ex­perts who en­sure that our local cus­tom­ers re­ceive re­li­able and high-qual­ity ser­vices. Through the KAEFER Ex­pert Net­work, we con­nect our local ex­perts world­wide and make sure our cli­ents be­ne­fit from our global ex­per­i­ence and tech­nical ex­pert­ise. More than 70 KAEFER Ex­perts there­fore meet sev­eral times a year in spe­cial­ised Ex­pert Groups for Thermal In­su­la­tion, Ac­cess Tech­no­logy, Pass­ive Fire Pro­tec­tion, Sur­face Pro­tec­tion and Non-De­struct­ive Test­ing (NDT).

At these Ex­pert Meet­ings, cur­rent pro­jects, best prac­tices and the best ap­plic­able tech­no­lo­gies are presen­ted and dis­cussed. Ex­amples of top­ics dis­cussed in 2021 in­clude the new de­vel­op­ment of a “con­trol box” that in­creases pro­ductiv­ity and re­duces ab­ras­ive me­dia con­sump­tion in sand­blast­ing op­er­a­tions; vari­ous sur­face pre­par­a­tion meth­ods that can be ap­plied in the re­moval of lead-based paint; and cross-coun­try sup­port for 5D ac­cess sim­u­la­tions and plan­ning.

Reg­u­lar ex­changes en­sure that col­leagues use the latest tech­no­lo­gies and best prac­tices for pro­ject cost­ing and ex­e­cu­tion KAEFER-wide. Or­gan­ised by the Cor­por­ate In­nov­a­tion & Tech­nical Ex­cel­lence de­part­ment from the head of­fice in Bre­men, the meet­ings also provide a frame­work to pro­mote and eval­u­ate KAE­FER’s own de­vel­op­ments and in­nov­a­tions.

In ad­di­tion, se­lec­ted sup­pli­ers of in­ter­est­ing products in the re­spect­ive ap­plic­a­tion areas are in­vited to the meet­ings to present their tech­no­lo­gies and solu­tions to the tech­nical ex­perts and give them a good over­view of their port­fo­lio and latest de­vel­op­ments.

Last year, more than 20 KAEFER Ex­pert Meet­ings took place. Due to the Covid 19 pan­demic, all meet­ings took place vir­tu­ally, but we look for­ward to meet­ing again in per­son, hope­fully in 2022.