Venuslauf 2022 – the results


31,101 kilometres for the good cause!
We are so ex­cited to share with you that the KAEFER Team has com­pleted 31,101 kilo­metres in the Venu­slauf 2022! We could not have done this without your sup­port and en­cour­age­ment. Thank you for be­ing part of this in­cred­ible jour­ney.

We did­n’t quite make it around the world, but we covered an in­cred­ible dis­tance: 77.6% of the globe – that’s huge, and that’s be­cause KAEFER em­ploy­ees, their fam­il­ies and friends par­ti­cip­ated as one KAEFER Team. And that’s the most im­port­ant thing of all: to­gether for a good cause!

Con­grat­u­la­tions on this great suc­cess, you have all proven once again: when it counts, we can count on you!

In the next few days, we will pro­ceed to hand over the dona­tions to the nom­in­ated can­cer sup­port or­gan­isa­tions.

We would be very happy if you would join us again for the Venu­slauf 2023. The dates will be an­nounced as soon as pos­sible!