Venu­slauf 2022


New year, new mis­sion! This year we want to take the “Venu­slauf 2022” around the globe: 40,075.017km for a good cause, that’s our goal.

The “Venu­slauf” has be­come a world­wide char­ity run sup­port­ing the fight against can­cer and open to KAEFER em­ploy­ees, their fam­il­ies, and friends wherever they are loc­ated! From 16 to 18 Septem­ber 2022, we plan to do everything we can to col­lect kilo­metres for the good cause! Every kilo­metre counts and will be re­war­ded by the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION with a dona­tion to can­cer char­it­ies in se­lec­ted coun­tries.

You want to know more? Visit and find out how KAEFER em­ploy­ees can par­ti­cip­ate and how every­one else can sup­port this great event!