
It is for you, me, every one of us – and it needs you, me and every one of us! #StandUpFor

As a world­wide op­er­at­ing com­pany, KAEFER’s im­age and repu­ta­tion are linked to the con­duct of each em­ployee. All KAEFER em­ploy­ees, re­gard­less of their po­s­i­tion, are ex­pec­ted to re­spect laws and in­ternal rules of the vari­ous coun­tries and cul­tures in which KAEFER does busi­ness. KAEFER does not al­low any com­prom­ises in busi­ness eth­ics. In­ap­pro­pri­ate be­ha­viour is never in KAEFER´s in­terest and vi­ol­a­tions will not be tol­er­ated. Com­pli­ance is an in­teg­ral part of KAEFER`s busi­ness pro­cesses.

Every­one at KAEFER in­flu­en­ces and shapes the com­pany on a local as well as global scale. Our di­versity im­plies a vari­ety of cul­tures, legal forms and moral norms. At the same time, a shared com­mit­ment is es­sen­tial to tran­scend the bor­ders of the in­di­vidual KAEFER coun­tries, based on trust and a com­mon set of val­ues and norms.

As a res­ult, KAEFER is strongly com­mit­ted to risk man­age­ment and com­pli­ance. KAEFER defines com­pli­ance as a set in­ternal rules and pro­ced­ures that are de­signed to pre­vent, de­tect, and re­solve con­duct or prac­tices that are il­legal or that do not abide by KAEFER´s eth­ical and busi­ness stand­ards. We want to avoid fun­da­mental risks, en­sure sus­tain­able busi­ness suc­cess and build up and main­tain trust­ing and re­li­able re­la­tion­ships with our col­leagues and busi­ness part­ners. This is the basis of our suc­cess, of highest value and must be pro­tec­ted. There­fore, vi­ol­a­tions e.g. against ap­plic­able law, the KAEFER Code of Busi­ness Con­duct or our Sup­plier Code of Con­duct are not tol­er­ated.

Contact our global expert:

Christopher Schröter

Group Chief
Compliance Officer

The KAEFER Code of Busi­ness Con­duct out­lines how we act and do busi­ness and ap­plies to every per­son who con­ducts busi­ness with or for the KAEFER Group world­wide, mean­ing all our em­ploy­ees, in­clud­ing all levels of man­age­ment in the KAEFER Group as well as con­sult­ants, tem­por­ary work­ers, and sub­con­tract­ors. These bind­ing guidelines of con­duct have been de­tailed in sev­eral fur­ther KAEFER Group Policies, the KAEFER Sup­plier Code of Con­duct (SCoC) and in­ternal KAEFER Rules.

The KAEFER Sup­plier Code of Con­duct (SCoC) con­tains qual­it­at­ive, so­cial, and eco­lo­gical cri­teria that we ex­pect our sup­pli­ers to com­ply with. It is valid for sup­pli­ers world­wide and part of all new pur­chas­ing con­tracts con­cluded by KAEFER.

KAE­FER’s com­pli­ance pro­gram also in­cludes the KAEFER Com­pli­ance Helpline (, a highly se­cured web-based whis­tleblow­ing sys­tem, which has been set to of­fer an in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cess­ible chan­nel to re­port (sus­pec­ted) vi­ol­a­tions of the KAEFER Code of Busi­ness Con­duct, the KAEFER Sup­plier Code of Con­duct, KAEFER Rules or ap­plic­able law, if de­sired an­onym­ously.

The Compliance Helpline not only serves to report (possible) compliance violations and misconduct within KAEFER, but also functions as a versatile grievance mechanism. The whistleblower system enables all (potentially) affected parties to report grievances confidentially. The “KAEFER Rules of Procedure for the handling of complaints” inform you about the detailed complaint process and how we effectively protect you from discrimination or retaliation.

KAEFER’s Compliance Management System

KAEFER has subjected its groupwide compliance program to an examination by an external auditor according to the Compliance Standard AsS 980 of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW PS 980 n.F.) and with due consideration to ISO 19600 in relation to the areas of anti-corruption, antitrust and fraud. Thereby the implementation and appropriateness of the KAEFER’s Compliance Management System was confirmed according to AsS 980. You can see the details of the audit in the official assurance report.

KAEFER Com­pli­ance Helpline

How can reports be submitted?

Re­ports can be sub­mit­ted via dif­fer­ent chan­nels, e.g.

The KAEFER Compliance Helpline is operated by an external provider and can be used by employees, suppliers, customers and other third parties. It is available worldwide in different languages and offers anonymous reporting. Once accessed, the KAEFER Compliance Helpline provides clear instructions and is self-explanatory.

  • By contacting Corporate Group Compliance via telephone, email, postal or in person.

Phone: +49 421 3055 0,
Ad­dress: Markt­str. 2, 28195 Bre­men, Ger­many

Please see the “KAEFER Rules of Procedure for the handling of complaints”  to learn more about how KAEFER handles incoming reports.

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KAEFER Code of Business Conduct

We defined globally binding principles for the KAEFER Group which are designed to guide our employees to conduct themselves ethically, with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

KAEFER Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct sets our expectations for our suppliers to share the same values and meet the standards, we have implemented and live in our company

KAEFER Group Policies

A company to rely on

At KAEFER we un­der­stand the im­port­ance of sus­tain­ab­il­ity, we ful­fil our com­mit­ments and make no com­prom­ises re­gard­ing Health & Safety, En­vir­on­ment, Qual­ity and Com­pli­ance. This per­meates our cul­ture and al­lows us to provide con­sist­ent cli­ent sat­is­fac­tion and main­tain long-term re­si­li­ence for our busi­ness.

To­gether, we work to­wards the com­mit­ments within our KAEFER Group Policies!

The Company Policy sets our fundamental commitment that characterise our corporate culture as well as our way of doing business and allows to provide consistent client satisfaction to maintain a sustainable customer relationship

The Policy Statement on Human Rights and Environmental Protection sets out our commitment to human rights and environmental principles within the organisation and its value chain. This document also outlines our risk management approach and presents the responsibilities within KAEFER. In addition, the supplementary Rules of Procedure inform you about the detailed complaint process and how we effectively protect you from discrimination or retaliation.

Sustainability / ESG Policy
KAEFER Group Sustainability ESG Policy

The Sustainability/ESG Policy states our overall commitment to integrate environmental protection, social responsibility and good governance (ESG) in our entire value chain

Health & Safety Policy
KAEFER Group Policy Health & Safety

The Health & Safety Policy states our commitment to provide a healthy and safe working environment by preventing work related injuries and illnesses

Environmental Policy
KAEFER Group Policy Environment

The Environmental Policy states our commitment towards environmental protection, by identifying, reducing and monitoring environmental impacts and effects on climate change within our business activities and foster environmentally friendly work practices

The Quality Policy states our commitment to ensure client satisfaction through efficient procedures and high-class services

Sponsorship & Donations at KAEFER

At KAEFER, we see sponsorship and donations (supported by the KAEFER FOUNDATION) as part of our corporate responsibility and a means of putting our values into action by supporting communities and projects in the areas where we operate. All sponsorships and donations must be aligned with our business activities and reflect our commitment to operate in an ethical manner and must be handled transparently and in accordance with our internal Sponsorship & Donations Policy.

The following overview is intended to provide further guidance on where we focus our support:

  • ENVIRONMENT – Climate change, energy efficiency, natural resources
  • SOCIAL – Diversity, integration, education, health, safety, well-being, support after natural disasters

Please note that we do not generally support individuals, political parties and affiliated organisations, religious movements or institutions, projects and facilities that offend common decency. We also do not support sports or activities that glorify violence.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact