LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter

LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter

Li­que­fied nat­ural gas (LNG) quickly be­came the pre­ferred en­ergy for ships and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies, plat­forms and ves­sels as it’s not only safer, but it pro­duces lower green­house gas emis­sions, NOx and par­tic­u­late emis­sions.

KAEFER has been a spe­cial­ist in LNG for years with our gas tanker and gas car­rier activ­it­ies. Our ex­perts of our LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter are ded­ic­ated to de­vel­op­ing and us­ing LNG in new and in­nov­at­ive ways.

KAEFER’s services & solutions in LNG:

1.Cryo­genic cargo and fuel tank in­su­la­tion sys­tems

2.Pipe and gas plant in­su­la­tion, high dens­ity pipe sup­ports

3.Spray foam sys­tems, va­cuum in­su­la­tion solu­tions

4.Fluid hand­ling solu­tions, cryo­genic en­ergy stor­age

5.On- and off-line re­pair ser­vices for cryo­genic tanks and pipe­work


Find out what KAEFER innovative thinking can do for you:

  • Engineering and design, research and process development
  • Class approvals, product certification and accreditation
  • Material supply, foam block production and machining
  • Fabrication of sandwich / hybrid insulation panels
  • Installation and advisory services

Contact our global expert

Adam Portaro

LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter

Heerema's semi submersible crane vessel 'Sleipnir'
Ready insulated type C cargo tank during tank lifting
Snohvit plant during its construction in 2003, Norway