We take action for our health

We take ac­tion for our health

We main­tain a trust­ing re­la­tion­ship with our em­ploy­ees, cus­tom­ers, con­tract­ors, sup­pli­ers and other stake­hold­ers to en­sure the well­being of every­one we work with. Our guid­ing prin­ciples not only provide for a healthy work­ing en­vir­on­ment, in­clud­ing the highest stand­ards of hy­giene, but also so that healthy de­cisions can be made within our teams. This in­cludes mon­it­or­ing well­being and provid­ing in­di­vidual sup­port, as well as tak­ing a team-based ap­proach to min­im­ising stress. To achieve this, a cul­ture of open er­ror man­age­ment and con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment is es­sen­tial. After all, you can’t solve a prob­lem if you don’t know it ex­ists. Only by re­spond­ing to prob­lems today can we make a dif­fer­ence to­mor­row. We also provide the right tools and ap­pro­pri­ate train­ing to re­duce risks and pre­vent oc­cu­pa­tional ill­nesses such as manual hand­ling in­jur­ies.

„At KAEFER we care for the well-being of our employees and provide a healthy working environment so that our motivated and well-trained staff can perform at their best. Dr. Roland Gärber, Sandro Barrach & Kasten Wirth CEO, COO & CFO, KAEFER Group“

The KAEFER guid­ing prin­ciples – Health

Health Awareness
„Health awereness: We ensure that we focus on promoting healthy decisions and activities within our teams“
Manual Handling
„Manual handling: We ensure the correct tools and proper training is provided to avoid any injuries due to manual handling“
„Wellbeing: We ensure a healthy working environment to keep everyone motivated and productive“
Workspace Hygiene
„Workplace hygiene: We ensure highest hygiene standards at our facilities and projects“
Noise & Vibration
„Noise & vibration: We ensure to provide appropriate equipment, PPE, and effective monitoring to minimise exposure“