We take ac­tion for our qual­ity

We take ac­tion for our qual­ity

This sys­tem­atic ap­proach as­sures qual­ity and al­lows us to provide con­sist­ent cli­ent sat­is­fac­tion. Our pro­ject gov­ernance and man­age­ment en­sure that our pro­cesses are clear and pre­cise with con­tinu­ous mon­it­or­ing as well as a re­li­able work­flow and full trans­par­ency in every phase of a pro­ject. On KAE­FER’s lean jour­ney, we cre­ate ad­ded value through con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment, even­tu­ally lead­ing to waste free pro­cesses. Our ob­ject­ive is to de­liver our ser­vices on time and in the most cost-ef­fi­cient way, without any in­cid­ents. This in­cludes do­ing things right the first time around and liv­ing up to our cli­ents’ qual­ity ex­pect­a­tions. We don’t stop there, however. Our com­mit­ment to qual­ity means that we are ded­ic­ated to con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment by set­ting and ex­ceed­ing the highest pos­sible stand­ards.

„At KAEFER quality goes deep – it permeates our culture. We ensure that we are compliant in our processes and provide the highest levels of quality and efficiency in our work. We follow a first-time right approach in our services and products and strive for continuous improvement to achieve truly LEAN processes. Dr. Roland Gärber, Sandro Barrach & Kasten Wirth CEO, COO & CFO, KAEFER Group“

The KAEFER guid­ing prin­ciples – Qual­ity:

Quality Awareness
„Quality awareness: We ensure awareness and engagement for continuous improvement within our teams.“
Quality Assurance
„Quality assurance: We ensure quality through our systematic approach.“
Quality Control
„Quality control: We ensure effective control and follow up.“