As­bes­tos Solu­tions

In­dus­trial as­bes­tos re­moval, a mat­ter for spe­cial­ists

KAEFER as­bes­tos re­moval ser­vices and solu­tions em­ploy cut­ting-edge tech­no­logy and meth­ods to sim­plify the of­ten-chal­len­ging task of rid­ding older build­ings, ves­sels, tanks, and con­tain­ers of harm­ful ma­ter­i­als, in strict com­pli­ance with safety reg­u­la­tions. From neg­at­ive pres­sure units and spe­cially de­signed scaf­fold­ing to dust­less blast­ing tech­niques, KAEFER has the right tools and ex­pert­ise for the job, re­gard­less of how tech­nic­ally dif­fi­cult.

KAEFER is one of the few com­pan­ies that of­fer as­bes­tos re­moval ser­vices to both in­dus­trial and pub­lic sec­tor cli­ents. We also spe­cial­ise in com­plex pro­jects where fa­cil­it­ies need to con­tinue to run dur­ing the pro­cess.

KAEFER’s strengths:

  • Access solutions or containment supports
  • Containment in thermo-welded sheeting
  • Asbestos removal, removal of refractory ceramic fibres
  • Restoration after treatment (insulation, building finishing, painting and passive fire protection)
  • Our experienced and qualified workforce of asbestos removers
  • The ability to carry out major projects but also the quality of service through maintenance contracts
  • A national logistics base with a maintenance and decontamination workshop
  • Extensive Civil and Environmental Liability insurance coverage related to asbestos removal activities.
  • An integrated management system and AFNOR CERTIFICATION

Contact our global expert

Philippe Robert
