Non-De­struct­ive Test­ing

Un­veil­ing hid­den cor­ro­sion un­der in­su­la­tion

KAEFER is an es­tab­lished pro­vider of con­ven­tional, ad­vanced and spe­cial­ist Non-De­struct­ive Test­ing (NDT) ser­vices to the oil and gas, en­ergy, pet­ro­chem­ical, re­new­ables and util­it­ies sec­tors cov­er­ing on­shore and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies.

KAEFER has es­tab­lished it­self at the cut­ting edge of cor­ro­sion un­der in­su­la­tion (CUI) in­nov­a­tion. Through re­search and in­vest­ment into new tech­no­logy and spe­cial­ised equip­ment, we aim to ob­ject­ively as­sess and val­id­ate the use of emer­ging NDT tech­niques such as real-time ra­dio­graphy, ra­di­ation backs­cat­ter tech­no­lo­gies and pulsed eddy cur­rent meth­ods.

Through our tech­ni­cians and 3rd party as­so­ci­ates, KAEFER can provide ef­fect­ive and ro­bust res­ol­u­tions to cli­ent re­quire­ments. Cli­ents be­ne­fit when these ser­vices are com­bined with our ac­cess solu­tions and multi-trade cap­ab­il­it­ies. KAEFER can of­fer a “One Stop Shop” fa­cil­ity, per­form­ing in­spec­tion, ac­cess solu­tions, in­su­la­tion activ­it­ies and re­medial work (struc­tural and coat­ing re­pair), all con­trolled through a single point of con­tact for the cli­ent.

Contact our global expert

Thomas Rehberg

Corporate Innovation & Technical Excellence

KAE­FER’s NDT ser­vices & solu­tions

  • Ultrasonic inspection
  • Eddy current inspection
  • Magnetic particle inspection
  • Dye penetrant inspection
  • Radiographic inspection