In­terior Out­fit­ting

Cre­at­ing in­teri­ors to the highest levels of qual­ity and stand­ards

KAEFER is known for com­plete in­terior out­fit­ting of the widest vari­ety of fa­cil­it­ies and build­ings – from off­shore oil plat­forms, yachts and large cruise ships to res­id­en­tial build­ings, tun­nels, ho­tels and air­ports.

Spe­cial­ising in chal­len­ging pro­jects that are of­ten sub­ject to sub­stan­tial time pres­sure and dif­fi­cult en­vir­on­mental cir­cum­stances, we use our in­genu­ity and in­nov­at­ive solu­tions and products to cre­ate in­teri­ors that provide the highest levels of qual­ity and stand­ards.


  • Installation of steel girders / ceilings, independent suspended ceilings
  • Installation and finishing of walls, ceilings, and floor systems
  • Integrated Passive Fire Protection
  • Mobile wall, systems, doors and noise absorber systems
  • Façade and roof renovation and insulation
  • Painting and furnishing


  • Wall, ceiling and floor systems
  • Fire Safety Products
    • Fire Sliding Doors
    • Fire Roller Shutters
    • Fire Stacking Barriers
  • A60 Cold Room Doors
  • Silencers
  • Pre-fabricated pantries
  • Mega Yacht Refit


KAEFER En­ergy in Nor­way has long ex­per­i­ence in work within in­terior and ar­chi­tec­tural out­fit­ting and has a high level of ex­pert­ise in func­tion­al­ity and area util­izsa­tion in liv­ing quar­ters, both off­shore and ves­sel.

Sev­eral of our in­terior out­fit­ting products are de­ve­loped and based on the need of im­proved work­ing en­vir­on­ment and liv­ing con­di­tions.

  • EN­ERGY Dex­coat™
  • EN­ERGY Turn­bed®

Contact our expert

Sabine Manig

KAEFER Construction

Contact our expert

Jürgen Trost

KAEFER Schiffsausbau

Contact our expert

Oddgeir Samuelsen
