Pass­ive Fire Pro­tec­tion

En­sur­ing struc­tural per­form­ance against heat ex­pos­ure

Fire is and re­mains a sub­stan­tial risk. KAEFER con­tinu­ally de­vel­ops and im­ple­ments pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems that provide the highest levels of safety to pro­tect the people who live and work in­side in­dus­trial fa­cil­it­ies, large build­ings, on ships and off­shore plat­forms or are driv­ing through tun­nels from the dangers of fire.

From trad­ing products to in­nov­at­ive tailored solu­tions and the com­plete plan­ning, de­vel­op­ment and ex­e­cu­tion of large-scale fire tests for qual­i­fy­ing fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems, KAEFER has the ex­per­i­ence and ex­pert­ise to keep fire at bay.

We install and maintain

  • Penetration sealing of pipes and cables
  • Fire load encapsulation / function of cables
  • Cladding for air ducts and support rails
  • Fire protection coatings, enclosures, facades and windows
  • Fire protection of vessels against specific fire curves up to jet fire insulation
  • Fire-protection concepts and advice
  • Composite systems with excellent fire-protection properties

Contact our global experts

Jan-Timo Kolthammer

Fire Safety Products

Birger Susort

ENERGY Fire Products

Fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems for build­ings and tun­nels:

wilo office, Germany
Elbe tunnel in Hamburg, Germany
Tunnel in Horburg, Switzerland
Gaasperdammertunnel in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Prefabrication
  • Jacketing for steel girders and pillars
  • Air ducts
  • Wiring ducts

Fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems & products for the mar­ine in­dustry:

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Más información
  • Wall, ceiling and floor systems
  • Silencers
  • Pre-fabricated pantries
  • Fire Safety Products
    • Fire Slid­ing Doors A-60
    • Fire Roller Shut­ters A-0 & A-60
    • Fire Stack­ing A-60
    • Cold Room Doors A-60
    • Fire Wall Panel A-60
    • ENERGY Fire Products / Flange boxes

Mar­ine fire safety product in­form­a­tion:

Fire Roller Shutter


Fire Roller Shutter
A-0 SlimLine


Fire Roller Shutter
A-60 SlimLine Fabric


Fire Roller Shutter
A-60 SlimLine


Fire Stacking Barrier


Fire Sliding Door


Fire Wall Panel


Fire Hinged Door
A-60 for freezer & cold rooms


Fire Sliding Door
A-60 for freezer & cold rooms
