Ac­cess Solu­tions

Fa­cil­it­at­ing ac­cess to per­form work at heights and min­im­ising as­set down-time

With our ac­cess solu­tions you will be­ne­fit from rapid mo­bil­isa­tion, min­imal set up time and lim­ited dis­rup­tion; we have a proven track re­cord of cost ef­fect­ive­ness and safety al­ways re­mains our top pri­or­ity.

Our ex­per­i­enced team of site-based ac­cess spe­cial­ists will as­sess your re­quire­ments and re­com­mend the most ef­fi­cient ac­cess sys­tem for your needs. No mat­ter how large, com­plex or un­usual the task, we will quickly find a solu­tion.

KAEFER will de­liver the most prac­tical and ef­fi­cient ac­cess solu­tions, ran­ging from scaf­fold­ing and rope ac­cess to el­ev­ated plat­forms and other spe­cial­ist ac­cess meth­ods.

Our teams util­ise in­nov­a­tions such as our Scaf­fold­ing Man­age­ment Soft­ware to provide ef­fi­cient and pro­fes­sional site man­age­ment to en­sure any pro­ject’s suc­cess. At KAEFER we al­ways plan to add value to our cli­ent’s pro­jects, to save time, as well as money and ef­fort in the pro­cess.

Contact our global expert

Stephen Corden

Corporate Operations



We have a proven track re­cord of provid­ing vast scaf­fold­ing struc­tures and spe­cial­ist ac­cess sys­tems for a whole range of pro­jects on power sta­tions, in­dus­trial plants, con­struc­tion sites, nuc­lear plants, rail­ways, mar­ine fa­cil­it­ies and more.

We can provide in­nov­at­ive ac­cess sys­tems de­veloped by our in-house design en­gin­eers to meet your spe­cific needs. Our qual­i­fied and ex­per­i­enced team can de­velop all kinds of sys­tems ran­ging from simple struc­tures through to large multi-func­tional en­cap­su­la­tions, 10 tonne tra­vers­ing load­ing bays and com­plex mov­ing scaf­fold struc­tures.

KAEFER also has soft­ware to man­age scaf­fold­ing pro­jects (Scaf­fold­ing Man­age­ment Portal). This fo­cuses on ef­fi­ciency, pro­ductiv­ity and a bet­ter use of re­sources as well as op­tim­ising costs and the util­isa­tion rate of in­vent­ory on site. The scaf­fold­ing soft­ware in­cludes scaf­fold tag man­age­ment and dash­board re­port­ing to provide strong KPI vis­ib­il­ity.

Rope Ac­cess

Rope ac­cess is as simple as it is in­geni­ous. Fast be­com­ing a pre­ferred means of ac­cess to in­dus­tries such as oil, gas, pet­ro­chem­ical, power gen­er­a­tion, con­struc­tion and en­vir­on­ment­ally sens­it­ive areas, this method min­im­ises risk and max­im­ises flex­ib­il­ity.

KAEFER provides highly trained, com­pet­ent spe­cial­ists that are well versed in the art of us­ing rope to ac­cess chal­len­ging areas. Fur­ther­more, we also provide train­ing by fully qual­i­fied and IRATA (In­dus­trial Rope Ac­cess Trade As­so­ci­ation) cer­ti­fied in­struct­ors.

Rope ac­cess can also be com­bined with our other solu­tions to max­im­ise in­teg­rated ser­vices and ef­fi­ciency, with weld and NDT in­spec­tion, in­su­la­tion, sur­face pro­tec­tion and fire proof­ing.

El­ev­ated Plat­forms

From scis­sor lifts to booms, ma­chine el­ev­ated work plat­forms are an ideal solu­tion to provide tem­por­ary ac­cess to areas that are dif­fi­cult to reach and high up.

The be­ne­fit of these plat­forms is their flex­ib­il­ity – they can be po­si­tioned ex­actly where you need them, and they are quick and easy to move into place.

For the widest vari­ety of ap­plic­a­tions, KAEFER can sup­ply the most ver­sat­ile el­ev­ated plat­forms with cer­ti­fied and pro­fes­sional man­power.

Cus­tom­ised Ac­cess Solu­tions

Find­ing ex­actly the right ac­cess solu­tion can be a chal­len­ging task. That’s why we work with our local en­gin­eer­ing de­part­ment and use ded­ic­ated soft­ware and design to de­velop cus­tom­ised ac­cess solu­tions for just about any con­di­tions and jobs.

From harsh off­shore cli­mates to on­shore pro­duc­tion units and com­plex urban en­vir­on­ments, we can provide ac­cess to the areas that need to be worked on. We of­fer in­nov­at­ive solu­tions such as pres­sur­ised hab­it­ats and large-scale scaf­fold­ing in city in­fra­struc­ture.