Elec­trical & Mech­an­ical Ser­vices

Re­pair and in­stall­a­tion of elec­trical & mech­an­ical com­pon­ents and struc­tures

To keep your in­dus­trial as­sets run­ning at their best, we provide a wide range of elec­trical and mech­an­ical ser­vices. Re­gard­less of the scope of work that needs to be car­ried out, our pro­fes­sional spe­cial­ists are on hand to in­stall struc­tures and com­pon­ents as well as main­tain the in­teg­rity of your plants and fa­cil­it­ies.

Contact our global expert

Thomas-Peter Wilk

Corporate Innovation & Technical Excellence

Elec­trical work

With our qual­i­fied work­force and high-level per­form­ance, KAE­FER’s elec­tro/​mech­an­ical cap­ab­il­it­ies ex­tend across steel, min­ing, pet­ro­chem­ic­als, oil and gas, en­ergy, pulp and pa­per or man­u­fac­tur­ing mar­kets where we de­liver ser­vices in­clud­ing:

  • Manufacturing, assembly and maintenance
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Piping and structures
  • Repair and shutdown
  • Acting in large intervention services
  • Project labour support

Installation and construction of:

Elec­trical com­pon­ents in non-pres­sur­ised en­vir­on­ment that sup­ply, dis­trib­ute, sus­tain, and use elec­trical power (in­cludes over­head and un­der­ground lines and wir­ing, poles, trans­formers, ag­greg­ates, and other equip­ment)

Elec­trical works in con­tainer con­struc­tion (meas­ure­ment and con­trol sys­tems for e.g. dis­til­la­tion stages)

Elec­trical com­pon­ents in pres­sur­ised en­vir­on­ment

Pro­cess con­trol sys­tems (incl. con­fig­ur­a­tion), cent­ral mon­it­or­ing/​man­age­ment sys­tems, and con­trol cab­in­ets

In­stru­ments, valves, sensors

Hanging ma­ter­ial, safety light­ing, and elec­trical ac­cessor­ies

Light­ning pro­tec­tion

Mech­an­ical work

KAEFER has a team of qual­i­fied su­per­visors, fit­ters, boil­er­makers, weld­ers, crane op­er­at­ors and rig­gers with ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence across all as­pects of main­ten­ance ser­vices, con­struc­tion and fab­ric­a­tion.

We have de­ve­loped unique sys­tems that al­low rapid pro­duc­tion of a large range of steel fab­ric­a­tion com­pon­ents. This re­duces lead times and en­ables off-site man­u­fac­tur­ing in a con­trolled en­vir­on­ment, of­fer­ing be­ne­fits in­clud­ing in­creased qual­ity and safety as well as re­duc­tion of waste.

Our struc­tural, mech­an­ical & pip­ing cap­ab­il­ity ex­tend across Oil & Gas, Min­ing, Mar­ine and In­fra­struc­ture mar­kets where we de­liver ser­vices in­clud­ing:

  • Project & construction management
  • Site maintenance for planned & unplanned outages
  • Shutdown scoping, planning, management & execution
  • Plant Optimisation projects
  • Brownfield projects – fixed plant, non-process infrastructure (tanks, warehouses and fuel facilities), port and marine
  • Complete asset & structural integrity solutions
  • Structural, mechanical and piping services
  • Project labour support
  • Detail drafting services
  • Mechanical & machining services
  • Fabrication of pipe spooling, platework and structural steel

Installation and construction of:

Steel struc­ture and low-pres­sure pip­ing (for e.g., cabling, pipes, tanks, fit­tings, and other ele­ments that con­trol the wa­ter sup­ply, heat­ing, and san­it­a­tion)

Fire alarms, fire pro­tec­tion, and ac­cess con­trol sys­tems

Pumps, com­pressors, gen­er­at­ors, and rotary equip­ment

HVAC sys­tems (heat­ing, vent­il­a­tion, and cool­ing/​air-con­di­tion­ing equip­ment)

Re­fri­ger­a­tion sys­tems (ar­ti­fi­cial cool­ing of a space, sub­stance, or sys­tem)

High-pres­sure pip­ing