KAE­FER’s Lean Jour­ney

Fo­cus­ing on cus­tomer value

LEAN is work­ing. Not just for our cli­ents, but for us as well.

Simply put, LEAN means cre­at­ing more value for our cli­ents as well as for our teams. This is achieved by gen­er­at­ing as close to zero waste as pos­sible by op­tim­ising pro­cesses and con­tinu­ously im­prov­ing them.

The idea is to waste less time, ef­fort, and ma­ter­i­als. We call get­ting things right the first time head­ing to­wards ‘True North’. LEAN Site Man­age­ment guar­an­tees that the right ma­ter­i­als are at the right place at the right time, in the right amount and right qual­ity. It is not about re­in­vent­ing the wheel, but rather about op­tim­ising a proven concept and en­sur­ing that the wheel runs smoothly without any in­ter­rup­tions. Which means em­ploy­ing simple meas­ures such as plan­ning and per­form­ance man­age­ment – think­ing about what to do be­fore, dur­ing and after a shift and how to achieve agreed goals. This al­lows us to achieve higher levels of health, safety, and ef­fi­ciency by get­ting our ser­vices right the first time, while meet­ing all qual­ity re­quire­ments.

LEAN be­ne­fits our cli­ents as much as it be­ne­fits us. Our unique ap­proach to ap­ply­ing and liv­ing it in­volves edu­cat­ing and train­ing our em­ploy­ees through our Lean De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme to not just ‘do’ LEAN, but to ‘be’ LEAN on every step of the way. Be­cause it would be (a) waste if we did­n’t cap­it­al­ise on the ideas of all KAEFER em­ploy­ees when work­ing to­wards a com­mon goal. LEAN makes this pos­sible and em­powers em­ploy­ees to con­struct­ively and cre­at­ively shape the way they work. The re­ward is not just an easier and less waste­ful work­flow, but also an in­vest­ment in the per­sonal de­vel­op­ment of each in­di­vidual at KAEFER.

Contact our global expert

Saurabh Deshmukh

Corporate Operations Excellence

His­tory of KAE­FER’s Lean Jour­ney

It may sound like a cliché, but every jour­ney really does be­gin with a first step. KAE­FER’s LEAN Jour­ney began in 2013 while work­ing with cli­ents that ap­plied this meth­od­o­logy them­selves. We saw how well ef­fi­ciency could be in­creased in prac­tice, so the de­cision was taken to start our own LEAN pro­gramme. But we see it as more than just a way to in­crease ef­fi­ciency. For us, LEAN is a qual­i­fic­a­tion pro­gramme – in re­la­tion to our staff as well as to our ser­vices.

Seven pi­lot pro­jects later, it be­came clear that LEAN would be the dir­ec­tion we took in fu­ture. Es­pe­cially since they were not just re­sound­ingly suc­cess­ful, but also fit into KAE­FER’s way of think­ing ex­cep­tion­ally well.
In 2014, the KAEFER LEAN Jour­ney was ex­ten­ded to a fur­ther 100 pro­jects and the global LEAN Leader or­gan­isa­tion was es­tab­lished. 2015 saw the num­ber of pro­ject grow to 150, as well as an ex­ten­ded LEAN De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme for Man­agers. So far, in ad­di­tion to nu­mer­ous LEAN pro­jects, we have suc­cess­fully trained over 2,000 em­ploy­ees in more than 35 coun­tries.

LEAN is work­ing. Not just for our cli­ents, but for us as well. And KAEFER has be­come known for be­ing an am­bas­sador for LEAN as well as a prime ex­ample of how it’s more than a pro­cess, but a way of think­ing.

Lean Prin­ciples at KAEFER

Ima­gine your­self on a con­struc­tion site. A worker is idly wait­ing for ma­ter­i­als to be de­livered. But they haven’t turned up yet. Many times in these cases, people will be afraid to say ‘boss, I have a prob­lem’ be­cause they don’t want to be seen as not work­ing. That wastes time. That’s not LEAN.

LEAN is en­sur­ing that it’s ok to talk to the boss and identify is­sues. As well as solu­tions and sug­ges­tions for im­prove­ment. And LEAN Site Man­age­ment guar­an­tees that the right ma­ter­i­als are at the right place at the right time, in the right amount and right qual­ity.

It is not about re­in­vent­ing the wheel, but rather about op­tim­ising a proven concept and en­sur­ing that the wheel runs smoothly without any in­ter­rup­tions. Which means em­ploy­ing simple meas­ures such as plan­ning and per­form­ance man­age­ment – think­ing about what to do be­fore, dur­ing and after a shift and how to achieve agreed goals.

We call get­ting things right the first time head­ing to­wards ‘True North’. That in­volves cre­at­ing stable work­flows, work­ing with op­timal crew sizes, com­par­ing ac­tual and ex­pec­ted per­form­ance as well as root cause ana­lysis to fur­ther im­prove the pro­cess.

Chal­lenge con­ven­tional be­liefs – without chal­lenge there can be no pro­gress.

Ex­per­i­ment – try it or you’ll never know.

Tol­er­ate fail­ure – im­prove­ment re­quires pa­tience.

Trust – im­prove­ment can­not res­ult in loss of jobs.

Work as a team – total op­tim­isa­tion rather than local (in­di­vidual) op­tim­isa­tion.

Be flex­ible – ri­gid struc­tures/​policies will limit pro­gress.

Be dis­cip­lined – stick to the stand­ards.

KAE­FER’s Lean De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme

Be­ing LEAN means keep­ing the big pic­ture in mind. But it’s also about know­ing that the big pic­ture con­sists of many smal­ler ones. That’s why KAEFER has ex­tens­ive LEAN train­ing for our em­ploy­ees. It’s one of the ways we are dif­fer­ent in ap­ply­ing LEAN, in that we want the maxim of zero waste to run through our blood.

Our LEAN De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme gives our em­ploy­ees the tools to be­come pro­cess im­provers and coaches. It does not mat­ter if it is a Line Man­ager, Pro­ject or Site Man­ager; each em­ployee is trained to take own­er­ship of pro­cess im­prove­ment and to be­come a coach to help oth­ers to de­velop as well. This is achieved with learn­ing about LEAN prin­ciples and meth­od­o­lo­gies and ex­per­i­en­cing their prac­tical ap­plic­a­tions.

The pro­gramme of­fers a range of cer­ti­fic­a­tions: LEAN Prac­ti­tioner, LEAN Pro­fes­sional and LEAN Mas­ter: This al­lows them to build upon their skills, de­velop them­selves and gain valu­able, prac­tical in­sights into how to use LEAN to stay ahead of the game. The re­ward is not just an easier and less waste­ful work­flow, but also an in­vest­ment in the per­sonal de­vel­op­ment of each in­di­vidual man­ager at KAEFER.

Don’t just take our word for it, however. Just ask any of the over 2,000 em­ploy­ees from more than 30 coun­tries that have suc­cess­fully star­ted their train­ing.

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