Gen­eral Terms and Con­di­tions

Gen­eral Terms and Con­di­tions

For Ger­man-lan­guage con­tracts, the Ger­man-lan­guage Gen­eral Terms and Con­di­tions (GTC) ap­ply in each case; for con­tracts in other lan­guages, the re­spect­ive Eng­lish-lan­guage ver­sions ap­ply.


Corporate Operations Excellence – Strategic Purchasing

Terms of Pur­cha­se / Einkaufsbedingungen


Terms of Purchase (English version) - August 2024

Please take this additional information into account.

20161123 - Esker APoD - Letter to suppliers

Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of De­li­very, Pay­ment, As­sem­bly /
Allgemeine Liefer-, Zahlungs- und Montagebedingungen

Ge­ne­ral Con­di­ti­ons for the As­sem­bly and Ren­tal of Scaf­fol­ding /
Allgemeine Bedingungen für die Montage und Vermietung von Gerüsten

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