
En­sur­ing stable op­er­at­ing con­di­tions and tem­per­at­ure in our cli­ent’s as­sets

We’re pas­sion­ate about in­su­la­tion. De­vel­op­ing, cre­at­ing, and fit­ting in­su­la­tion for in­dus­trial and high-tech ap­plic­a­tions is in our DNA. Mak­ing the most of our tech­nical skills, spe­cial­ised know­ledge and un­der­stand­ing of every as­pect of how in­su­la­tion works – that’s KAE­FER’s spe­ci­al­ity – no mat­ter whether it’s thermal and cryo­genic in­su­la­tion, noise pro­tec­tion and acous­tic in­su­la­tion or in­su­la­tion for nuc­lear fa­cil­it­ies.

We de­velop and pro­duce a range of pro­pri­et­ary products and sys­tems as well as in­nov­at­ive solu­tions to pro­tect, main­tain and en­sure the in­teg­rity, per­form­ance, and func­tion of our cus­tom­er’s as­sets.

From re­finer­ies and power plants to food pro­cessing, LNG fa­cil­it­ies, the chem­ical in­dustry to ships and off­shore plat­forms, we have the ex­pert­ise to help you achieve even the most am­bi­tious goals and make even the biggest and most com­plex in­su­la­tion pro­jects real­ity.

Contact our global expert

Gyna Galvis

Corporate Innovation & Technical Excellence


Thermal & Cryo­genic In­su­la­tion

KAEFER has over 100 years of ex­per­i­ence in thermal in­su­la­tion and more than 40 years of ex­per­i­ence in LNG. We have the know-how, ex­per­i­ence, and flex­ib­il­ity to take on even the most com­plex and large-scale pro­jects that need to be com­pleted within strict time­frames. By em­ploy­ing lean prin­ciples, we en­sure that everything is avail­able at the right time and at the right place. This al­lows us to be able to re­act very quickly to chal­lenges.

The KAEFER LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter provides a wide range of ser­vices and solu­tions for the whole gas hand­ling chain – from high-per­form­ance in­su­la­tion at gas plants and pipelines to stor­age and trans­port­a­tion tanks. The LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter is staffed with ex­perts who are spe­cial­ists in ad­apt­ing to chal­len­ging scen­arios and be­spoke ap­plic­a­tions where mech­an­ical and thermal ten­sions are high.

Thermal Insulation

Ther­mo­dy­namic cal­cu­la­tions and di­men­sion­ing with our own pro­grammes as well as ded­ic­ated fi­nite ele­ment meth­od­o­logy

Static and dy­namic load cal­cu­la­tions

Di­men­sion­ing of in­su­la­tion sys­tems con­sid­er­ing eco­lo­gical and eco­nomic factors

De­vel­op­ment of high-tem­per­at­ure and cryo­genic in­su­la­tion con­cepts

Plan­ning and ex­ecut­ing func­tional tests for com­plex in­su­la­tion sys­tems in our own labor­at­or­ies

Design­ing in­su­la­tion sys­tems in 3D CAD pro­grams

Qual­i­fy­ing ma­ter­i­als and sys­tems

Cryogenic Insulation

Pipe and gas plant in­su­la­tion, high dens­ity pipe sup­ports

Fluid hand­ling solu­tions, cryo­genic en­ergy stor­age

On- and off-line re­pair ser­vices for cryo­genic tanks and pipe­work

Ad­vanced Pre-In­su­la­tion Sys­tems in our mo­bile work­shops for cryo­genic lines

En­gin­eer­ing and design, re­search and pro­cess de­vel­op­ment

Class ap­provals, product cer­ti­fic­a­tions and ac­cred­it­a­tions

Ma­ter­ial sup­ply, foam block pro­duc­tion and ma­chin­ing

Fab­ric­a­tion of sand­wich / hy­brid in­su­la­tion pan­els

In­stall­a­tion and ad­vis­ory ser­vice

Take a look at our LNG Solutions Center

Noise Pro­tec­tion & Acous­tics

KAEFER of­fers in­nov­at­ive and tailored solu­tions to deal with noise ef­fect­ively and ef­fi­ciently. Our en­gin­eers ana­lyse noise levels and ori­gins with state-of-the-art equip­ment and de­velop noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures that are tailored ex­actly and in­di­vidu­ally to each fa­cil­ity or build­ing. These are tested and de­veloped in our own acous­tic labor­at­ory, which fea­tures a wall test stand as well as a pipe in­su­la­tion test fa­cil­ity. That means we can of­fer high-qual­ity, cus­tom­ised sound ab­sorbers, acous­tic en­clos­ures, acous­tic screens as well as pipe and ves­sel in­su­la­tion com­bined with thermal re­quire­ments to our cli­ents.

For ex­ample, in ships and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies, our ex­perts make com­plete pre­dic­tions of noise and vi­bra­tion levels on the basis of lay­outs and ar­chi­tec­tural designs. They de­velop cus­tom­ised noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures such as lin­ings, sus­pen­ded ceil­ings, float­ing or elastic floors and si­len­cers. These can be com­bined with fire pro­tec­tion or thermal in­su­la­tion and ful­fil all in­ter­na­tional stand­ards and re­quire­ments.

Re­gard­less of whether it’s about re­du­cing noise or op­tim­ising acous­tics and ab­sorb­ing sounds in ships and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies, in­dus­trial plants, rooms or build­ings, KAEFER has the the­or­et­ical and prac­tical ex­pert­ise to make it hap­pen ef­fect­ively and cost-ef­fi­ciently.

Contact our global expert

Josef Schmitz

Josef Schmitz

Corporate Innovation & Technical Excellence

The KAEFER ser­vice port­fo­lio for Noise & Acous­tics:


  • Development and design of noise protection measures

Industrial Acoustics

  • Noise/vibration measurements, analysis
  • Planning of noise emissions, noise at work, simulations
  • Development and design of noise protection measures

Room and Building Acoustics / Construction

  • Noise measurements, analysis
  • Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
  • Development and design of noise protection measures
  • Optimisation of acoustics in rooms, sound absorption in buildings

Ship and Offshore Acoustic

  • Noise/vibration measurements, analysis
  • Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
  • Development and design of noise protection measures

Insulation for Nuclear Facilities

Op­er­at­ors and man­u­fac­tur­ers of nuc­lear power have the highest stand­ards in terms of safety, re­li­ab­il­ity, qual­ity and func­tion­al­ity when it comes to build­ing, main­tain­ing and re­pair­ing their fa­cil­it­ies. KAEFER meets these strin­gent de­mands with high-per­form­ance in­su­la­tion and fire-pro­tec­tion sys­tems and of­fers a wide vari­ety of ded­ic­ated solu­tions to its cli­ents. De­pend­ing on the loc­a­tion and the spe­cific­a­tions, full metal in­su­la­tion, cas­sette in­su­la­tion or mat­tress in­su­la­tion is used, as well as spe­cially de­veloped and tested fire-pro­tec­tion sys­tems.

KAEFER has es­tab­lished an ex­cel­lent repu­ta­tion amongst nuc­lear power plant op­er­at­ors world­wide. KAEFER en­gin­eers are or have been on site in Brazil, Rus­sia, South Africa, France, Switzer­land and Fin­land.

Pump insulation
Reactor cover insulation

Contact our global expert

Jérôme Allix

Jérôme Allix

Operations Director

The KAEFER ser­vices port­fo­lio for Nuc­lear Fa­cil­it­ies:


  • Individual 3D design
  • Fully customisable insulation systems developed in house, without restrictions
  • Tested for LOCA conditions and thermal properties without restrictions
  • Fully reproducible documentationNOver 30 years of expertise and experience


  • Highest fabrication quality thanks to KAEFER standardisation
  • No limits in terms of customer requirements
  • Pre-assembly and inspection before shipment
  • Final approval of each module by the engineering department and by client representatives

Site activities

  • Easy and secure handling during outages
  • Simple planning for inspections and maintenance work while in service
  • Reduction of down time
  • Lower collective dose rates for personnel
  • High performance systems adaptable to existing insulation


  • Planning
  • Deconstruction and dismantling
  • Logistics
  • Supervision