
One group. Over 30,000 stor­ies.

At KAEFER, we thrive on the fact that every in­di­vidual in our or­gan­isa­tion has a unique story to tell. Not just in terms of their work and ca­reer, but also in terms of their back­ground and cul­ture. There’s a dif­fer­ent face be­hind every story. And it’s the mul­ti­fa­ceted nature of our com­pany that makes it such an ex­cit­ing and re­ward­ing place to work.

In ad­di­tion to our di­versity and in­ter­na­tional out­look, we also strive to of­fer the best pos­sible op­por­tun­it­ies for per­sonal and pro­fes­sional de­vel­op­ment. From vo­ca­tional and edu­ca­tional train­ing to man­age­ment and lead­er­ship de­vel­op­ment, KAEFER provides an en­vir­on­ment in which your growth is not just sup­por­ted, but fostered as well.

The reas­on­ing be­hind this is simple: the more we sup­port you, the more you sup­port us and our cli­ents.

A promise, KAEFER stands for:
When it counts, count on us.

KAEFER jobs around the world

KAEFER as an em­ployer

KAEFER offers diverse, interesting, and varied fields of activity and a wide range of professional fields.

No mat­ter whether your in­terests and ex­pert­ise lie in op­er­a­tions, ad­min­is­tra­tion, en­gin­eer­ing, or gen­eral man­age­ment, KAEFER can of­fer you a re­ward­ing ca­reer.

KAEFER is looking for "pragmatic doers with team spirit".

Do you like to be act­ively in­volved, take re­spons­ib­il­ity, and en­joy the co­he­sion of a team? Many di­verse and in­di­vidual voices make a strong team. The mul­ti­fa­ceted nature of our com­pany makes it such an ex­cit­ing and re­ward­ing place to work.

We of­fer the tech­nical ex­cel­lence of a com­pany at the cut­ting edge of en­gin­eer­ing coupled with a global out­look, in­ter­na­tional cul­ture and our mis­sion to be the most re­li­able and ef­fi­cient pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices.

Promotion opportunities and career perspectives are important to us.

We’re strongly com­mit­ted to of­fer the best pos­sible op­por­tun­it­ies for per­sonal and pro­fes­sional de­vel­op­ment, ap­ply­ing in­di­vidual ca­reer plan­ning. From vo­ca­tional and edu­ca­tional train­ing to man­age­ment and lead­er­ship de­vel­op­ment, KAEFER provides an en­vir­on­ment in which your growth is not just sup­por­ted but fostered as well.

The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is the number one priority at KAEFER.

Our em­ploy­ees in op­er­a­tions work on build­ing sites around the world and every day, they give their all by brav­ing the heights, the cold, the heat and wind and rain. To work to­wards our vis­ion of zero in­cid­ents and ac­ci­dents, we fo­cus on fos­ter­ing an in­clus­ive safety cul­ture at KAEFER. This means con­stantly look­ing for ways to min­im­ise risks and op­tim­ise pro­cesses. It means in­volving every single per­son in our com­pany in mak­ing safety a pri­or­ity – from the top down and from bot­tom up.

We value vocational training very highly.

Today’s ap­pren­tices and train­ees are to­mor­row’s ex­perts and lead­ers. De­pend­ing on re­gion, we of­fer com­pre­hens­ive pro­grammes and op­por­tun­it­ies for young people with tal­ent, drive, and de­term­in­a­tion. And in some coun­tries, we have been train­ing to­mor­row’s tal­ent for dec­ades.

Whether your chosen path is com­mer­cial or tech­nical, we will sup­port you and help de­velop your skills and ex­pert­ise. Re­gard­less of whether you want to be an in­su­la­tion fit­ter, con­struc­tion mech­anic, IT spe­cial­ist or a mar­ket­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions clerk, for ex­ample, we of­fer a wide vari­ety of ca­reer paths for you to pur­sue. Plus, many of our train­ees do well in in­ter­na­tional and na­tional com­pet­i­tions. And be­cause edu­ca­tion and de­vel­op­ment are a two-way street, we hope to learn as much from your ideas, ini­ti­at­ive, and com­pet­it­ive spirit as you do from us.

We are KAEFER.

From taking KAEFER’s ethical approach to heart in Brazil and growing both personally and professionally in the UAE to cooperating with an international team in Germany and braving snow, wind and waves on a shipbuilding site in Italy, KAEFER’s people regularly encounter challenges. And master them effectively.

The sheer diversity not only of our divisions, industries and projects, but also of our multinational and multitalented employees make KAEFER an exciting place to work and grow. But don’t just take our word for it. Our people are our greatest asset. And they’re also our greatest proponents as well.

Jonas, industrial insulator at KAEFER AB in Sweden
Jo­nas Boman, Sweden

“I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path I did and go further than I could ever dream of. That’s possible at KAEFER.”

Fam­ily man Jo­nas Bo­man be­lieves that KAEFER is a great place for people. It’s where he began to de­velop not just as an em­ployee, but also as a per­son. This comes from KAE­FER’s com­mit­ment to con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment and the pos­sib­il­ity to learn something new every day on the job. Know­ledge that he hopes those around him can learn from – in­clud­ing his young fam­ily.

Liliane, Communications and Marketing Supervisor at RIP Serviços Industriais in Brazil
Lili­ane Pereira Ma­tos, Brazil

“KAEFER is ethical and traditional, yet forward-thinking and progressive at the same time.”

For Lili­ane, it’s pas­sion that drives suc­cess. Which is why she joined KAEFER. And, most im­port­antly, that’s why she stayed. Part of it also comes from the in­ter­na­tional nature of the job, and it’s get­ting to know other cul­tures and real­it­ies that drives Lili­ane for­ward.

Damian and Krzysztof, industrial insulators at KAEFER SA in Poland
Damian Cup & Krzysztof Sarad, Po­land

“Proving ourselves. By taking the championship.”

You could call Damian and Krzysztof a win­ning com­bin­a­tion – both young men com­peted in the In­su­la­tion Ap­pren­tice Cham­pi­on­ship in 2016 and won. Not just on a na­tional level, but on a European level as well. Thanks to KAE­FER’s fos­ter­ing of new tal­ent, they took the les­sons they learned and ap­plied them to make the most of their edu­ca­tion and train­ing.

Kasimir, project manager at KAEFER in Finland
Kasimir Kovasin, Fin­land

Every project is one of a kind. And every one has its own challenges.

Most people would think Italy would be a nice place to be in early spring. Kasimir thought so. But while work­ing on a ship­build­ing pro­ject there, he had to battle storms, wind and snow while co­ordin­at­ing over 100 people to get the job done. Kasimir did – much to the sat­is­fac­tion of the cli­ents.

Marymol, team leader Software Development at KAEFER in the UAE
Mary­mol Yujin, United Arab Emir­ates

“It’s great to be able to rely on such a dedicated and resourceful team unconditionally.”

The one thing that makes KAEFER dif­fer­ent for Mary­mol is how the com­pany re­cog­nises and pro­motes tal­en­ted people. That’s why Mary­mol was able to im­ple­ment En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning in the UAE so ef­fect­ively – it was a team ef­fort, with every mem­ber’s skills be­ing util­ised in the best pos­sible way.

Francisca, Head of Corporate Communication at KAEFER Headquarters
Fran­cisca Gor­go­dian, Ger­many

“The opportunities are there. You just have to open your eyes and grab them.”

Fran­cisca has been with KAEFER for over 15 years. In that time, she’s worked in Ar­gen­tina, Aus­tralia, Mex­ico and now Ger­many. It was the op­por­tun­ity to work in dif­fer­ent roles as well as in dif­fer­ent coun­tries that’s made the job so fas­cin­at­ing for her. And she’s look­ing for­ward to tak­ing the next one.

Rogerio, HSE manager at RIP Serviços Industriais in Brazil
Ro­gerio Be­luci, Brazil

“Working at KAEFER is my way of life.

Ro­gerio genu­inely loves what he does in In­teg­rated Man­age­ment. For over 17 years, he has en­joyed KAE­FER’s dy­nam­ism, agil­ity, flex­ib­il­ity and com­mit­ment to work­ing to­gether as a team – without bor­ders. These are all at­trib­utes he would use to de­scribe him­self as well. Which is why he feels like it’s such a good fit.

Marco, Project Manager at KAEFER Construction in Germany
Marco Haase, Ger­many

“When I finished my apprenticeship, I was given a road atlas. I had no idea why. Four days later I was sent to work around the country. Now I know why.”

Wer­der Bre­men fan Marco works every­where in Ger­many. As a pro­ject man­ager, he makes sure that even the most time-crit­ical and qual­ity-sens­it­ive pro­jects are com­pleted to the sat­is­fac­tion of KAEFER cli­ents. And he loves be­ing on the road as much as he did the first day with his at­las in hand.

Silvia, scaffold engineer at KAEFER in Belgium
Silvia Sempere San­cho, Bel­gium

“I’ve grown a great deal thanks to facing new situations and looking at them in different ways.”

Some­times it’s hard to be a wo­man. Es­pe­cially in the male-dom­in­ated con­struc­tion sec­tor. But Silvia found that by be­ing a pro­fes­sional through and through and tak­ing re­spons­ib­il­ity, the few people that may have doubted her no longer did. KAE­FER’s cul­ture of ‘to­geth­er­ness’ helped Silvia real­ise her full po­ten­tial and grow as an in­di­vidual and em­ployee.