Because every project needs a safe and tidy start: SEA 5S Training

Ter­eng­ganu, Malay­sia

On the 28th of Oc­to­ber the SEA team con­duc­ted a 5S train­ing in Ter­eng­ganu (Malay­sia) to in­crease the aware­ness on this mat­ter and cre­ate a baseline for im­prove­ment activ­it­ies.

10 train­ees were part of this re­fresh­ment or­gan­ized by the Lean Lead­ers Raaj and Ravi. In­ter­est­ing to this train­ing was the in­volve­ment of their cer­ti­fied Lean Prac­ti­tion­ers as train­ers, each of them be­ing re­spons­ible to take own­er­ship of a topic:

1S: Separate 
2S: Organize 
3S: Clean
4S: Standarize 
5S: Sustain 

A key out­come of this train­ing was the re­cog­ni­tion of safety as a res­ult­ing ele­ment from the cor­rectly 5S im­ple­ment­a­tion and how the waste walk is in­ter­linked also with health and safety mat­ters.

We con­grat­u­late the LEAN team from SEA for shar­ing with us this great ini­ti­at­ive and keep de­vel­op­ing their Lean Prac­ti­tion­ers team.