KAEFER an­nounces ap­point­ment of new Ex­ec­ut­ive Board from the 1st of Janu­ary 2023

From the 1st of Janu­ary 2023, Dr. Ro­land Gärber will take over the role of CEO. Karsten Wirth will serve as CFO. Sandro Bar­rach will join the new board as COO from the 1st of April 2023.

At the same time, as part of the de­cision to re­or­gan­ise the Ex­ec­ut­ive Board, it has been mu­tu­ally agreed with Steen E. Hansen (64) to step down as Co-CEO by the end of 2022.
“We would like to thank Steen Hansen for his out­stand­ing work dur­ing the last 12 years as CFO and Co-CEO of KAEFER. Amongst oth­ers, Steen Hansen played an im­port­ant role not only dur­ing the crit­ical COVID crisis, but also in suc­cess­fully pre­par­ing the found­a­tion for the changes we are ex­ecut­ing now” says Mor­itz Koch, Chair­man of KAE­FER’s Ad­min­is­trat­ive Board.

“I would also like to take the op­por­tun­ity to thank Steen Hansen for the ex­cel­lent col­lab­or­a­tion over the last years,” states Gärber and adds that “based on our LIFT25 strategy, KAEFER is now tak­ing the next step to ex­plore fur­ther growth and mar­gin po­ten­tial.” Dr. Ro­land Gärber, who ini­tially joined KAEFER as COO in 2018 and be­came Co-CEO in 2019 will be sup­por­ted by Karsten Wirth as CFO, who cur­rently leads the Cor­por­ate Fin­ance De­part­ment and star­ted at KAEFER in 2015. New COO Sandro Bar­rach presently leads KAE­FER’s suc­cess­ful sub­si­di­ary in Brazil and has been with the com­pany for more than 20 years.

“Per­son­ally, I am very happy that two highly qual­i­fied KAEFER man­agers will join the Ex­ec­ut­ive Board. I am con­vinced that this step will con­trib­ute to­wards the fu­ture suc­cess of KAEFER,” adds Dr. Ro­land Gärber.