KAEFER FOUNDATION donated 50,000 € in Ukraine emergency fundraising


Thanks to the amaz­ing con­tri­bu­tion of KAEFER col­leagues from many coun­tries, we’ve been able to sup­port the work of the UN Refugee Agency – UN­HCR with a dona­tion of 45,000 €. An­other 5,000 € have been trans­ferred to the non-profit or­gan­isa­tion SOS Chil­dren’s Vil­lages which provide as­sist­ance to chil­dren in need in the Ukraine.

We’d like to take the op­por­tun­ity to thank all col­leagues, share­hold­ers and en­tit­ies world­wide who sup­por­ted the fun­drais­ing cam­paign for their gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tion. We’re thrilled by this over­whelm­ing res­ult! As prom­ised, the col­lec­ted amount has been topped by the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION and the total money has already been trans­ferred to the re­spect­ive char­it­ies to sup­port their im­port­ant work.

If you’d like to fur­ther sup­port the pro­jects and ini­ti­at­ives of the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION, please con­sider a dona­tion (KAEFER Found­a­tion gGmbH, Deutsche Bank AG, IBAN DE62 2907 0050 0169 0049 00) or get in touch with us at foundation@kaefer.com

To­gether we can make a dif­fer­ence!