KAEFER in Aus­tralia signs pur­chase agree­ment for as­sets of G&S En­gin­eer­ing Ser­vices in Queens­land

Bre­men, Ger­many

Bre­men, 29th July 2022. The KAEFER Group is pleased to an­nounce that our Aus­tralian sub­si­di­ary KAEFER In­teg­rated Ser­vices Pty Ltd has signed a pur­chase agree­ment for the as­sets of G&S En­gin­eer­ing Ser­vices Pty Ltd sub­ject to con­di­tions pre­ced­ent. The com­ple­tion of the trans­ac­tion is sched­uled to be fin­ished by Septem­ber 2022.

With more than 500 em­ploy­ees, G&S has an ex­tens­ive his­tory in Aus­tralia, pre­dom­in­antly in Queens­land, where it has been op­er­at­ing for 25 years, de­liv­er­ing main­ten­ance and con­struc­tion ser­vices in the re­source sec­tor. This pur­chase dir­ectly aligns with KAE­FER’s Aus­tralian growth strategy in broad­en­ing cap­ab­il­ity across mech­an­ical and elec­trical ser­vices all over the coun­try.

Press contact:

KAEFER Group (Germany)                                         KAEFER Integrated Services (Australia)

Fran­cisca Gor­go­dian                                                    Richard Harry

Head of Cor­por­ate Sus­tain­ab­il­ity &                         Gen­eral Man­ager Cor­por­ate Strategy &

Com­mu­nic­a­tion                                                            De­vel­op­ment

fran­cisca.gor­go­dian@kaefer.com                             richard.harry@kaefer.com