KAEFER in Ire­land se­cure main­ten­ance con­tract ex­ten­sion with Ver­mil­lion


KAEFER in Ire­land has entered into a two-year ex­ten­sion agree­ment with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy, the in­ter­na­tional en­ergy pro­du­cer, to de­liver en­gin­eer­ing, pro­cure­ment and con­struc­tion man­age­ment (EPCM) ser­vices for Ver­mil­ion’s on­shore Cor­rib Gas plant. Gas is trans­por­ted from the Cor­rib gas field off the Ir­ish north­w­est coast to the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas plant through 90km of pipeline where it is then pro­cessed prior to be­ing de­livered to the na­tional grid. Cor­rib is joint ven­ture with Nephin En­ergy and Equi­nor.

David O’ Leary, Op­er­a­tions Dir­ec­tor of KAEFER in Ire­land said “We are pleased to con­tinue our strong part­ner­ship with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy. We re­gard the award as a solid re­cog­ni­tion from Ver­mil­ion for our ap­proach and work, as well as the good in­ter­ac­tion and look for­ward to provid­ing con­tin­ued sup­port that will en­sure safe and suc­cess­ful op­er­a­tions.”

The agree­ment will run for two ad­di­tional years to 2023. The work will be de­livered by KAE­FER’s Ire­land Mayo based on­shore teams, with sup­port from the KAEFER Ire­land busi­ness.