KAEFER in UK & Ire­land se­cure con­tract with Bab­cock to provide Sur­face Pro­tec­tion for the Royal Navy

United King­dom & Ire­land

The ship­build­ing pro­gramme which will con­tinue un­til 2028, brings con­tinu­ity of work for KAE­FER’s ex­ist­ing in­dus­trial ser­vices work­force at Bab­cock’s Rosyth fa­cil­it­ies, with new em­ploy­ment op­por­tun­it­ies and prosper­ity for the local eco­nomy.

KAEFER will ap­ply over 510,000mof spe­cial­ist paint coat­ings, provid­ing skilled jobs for an ad­di­tional 70 paint­ers and sup­port staff. With this work form­ing part of the build pro­gramme, KAE­FER’s ex­pert­ise, highest qual­ity stand­ards and long his­tory of de­liv­er­ing ship sup­port ser­vices safely, on time and on budget, is vi­tal.

Chris Foulkes, KAE­FER’s UK & Ire­land CEO said, “This con­tract fur­ther strengthens and un­der­pins our re­la­tion­ship as a key sup­plier to Bab­cock.  We are proud to de­liver the highest qual­ity mar­ine sup­port ser­vices in sup­port of the world lead­ing Type 31 ship­build­ing pro­gramme.”

“The longev­ity of the Type 31 pro­gramme provides the ideal plat­form for the KAEFER team to de­liver on our ESG ob­ject­ives, con­tinu­ing to sup­port the local com­mu­nity and provid­ing the plat­forms for de­vel­op­ment of people within that com­mu­nity. Only by de­liv­er­ing safe ef­fi­cient op­er­a­tions to our cus­tomer has this con­tract award been pos­sible, I’d like to spe­cific­ally thank our site de­liv­ery teams for ex­cel­lent per­form­ance at Rosyth over the last 25 years gave our cli­ent con­fid­ence KAEFER is the part­ner of choice in this crit­ical UK de­fence pro­gramme.”

Tre­vor Wood­ward, KAEFER UK & Ire­land Busi­ness & Strategy Dir­ec­tor com­men­ted “We are of course de­lighted to se­cure this work for Bab­cock. The Type 31 pro­ject award fol­lows on from our award of the full dock­yard ser­vices at Rosyth earlier this year. This con­tinu­ity of work will give us greater em­ploy­ment op­por­tun­it­ies, mak­ing a real so­cial im­pact on the local eco­nomy and al­lows us to for­ward our wider sus­tain­ab­il­ity and in­nov­a­tion agenda in col­lab­or­a­tion with our cus­tomer. We are proud to be part of Team 31 re-en­er­gising the UK’s mari­time cap­ab­il­ity.”

Alan West­hall, Busi­ness Man­ager said “For both the site team and the local eco­nomy this is a real boost. We already have 70 KAEFER em­ploy­ees at Rosyth for Bab­cock and are de­lighted that this will be sup­ple­men­ted by an ad­di­tional 70 roles.  We’re able to of­fer long term em­ploy­ment for the KAEFER team and a key fo­cus will be on re­cruit­ing ap­pren­tices from the local com­mu­nity, giv­ing the next gen­er­a­tion the chance to learn skills they can use to grow their ca­reers.”

Sean Don­ald­son, Man­aging Dir­ec­tor, Mar­ine  En­gin­eer­ing and Sys­tems, Bab­cock In­ter­na­tional Group said: “The con­tract with KAEFER, to sup­ply the Type 31 pro­gramme, builds upon years of col­lab­or­a­tion between our or­gan­isa­tions. New paint­ing, pro­tec­tion and di­git­il­isa­tion tech­no­logy will be de­ployed within a work­ing ar­range­ment, to de­liver a suc­cess­ful pro­ject for our end cus­tomer, the UK Royal Navy.”

Type 31 will be at the heart of the Royal Navy’s sur­face fleet, de­ter­ring ag­gres­sion and main­tain­ing the se­cur­ity of the UK’s in­terests. They will work along­side the UK’s Al­lies to de­liver a war­ship pres­ence across the globe and en­able a for­ward naval pres­ence.

KAEFER UK & Ire­land is a lead­ing pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices, part of the global KAEFER group of com­pan­ies. The KAEFER UK & Ire­land team work on pres­ti­gi­ous pro­jects across the UK and Ire­land in­clud­ing Hinkley Point and the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal, Ire­land.

KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER in the UK & Ire­land serves a large and grow­ing range of in­dus­tries with as­set in­teg­rity ser­vices. These ser­vices in­clude ac­cess solu­tions, in­su­la­tion, in­spec­tion & test­ing, pro­tect­ive coat­ings, as­bes­tos man­age­ment and more – gen­er­at­ing an an­nual turnover of c.£250 Mil­lion. The com­pany cur­rently has nine op­er­at­ing centres across the UK and Ire­land, em­ploy­ing ap­prox­im­ately 3,000 highly skilled and ex­per­i­en­ced people. Fur­ther in­form­a­tion can be found at www.KAEFERLtd.co.uk

Bab­cock is an in­ter­na­tional aerospace, de­fence and se­cur­ity com­pany, with a lead­ing naval busi­ness, provid­ing value add ser­vices across a range of coun­tries, in­clud­ing the UK, France, Canada, Aus­tralia and South Africa. We help cus­tom­ers in the UK and around the world to im­prove the cap­ab­il­ity, re­li­ab­il­ity and avail­ab­il­ity of their most crit­ical as­sets.