KAEFER Ju­nior Lead­er­ship Pro­gamme 2022 comes to an end


De­vel­op­ing skills can take a lot of time and pa­tience. And some­times it’s hard to fig­ure out where to start. 12 young KAEFER col­leagues from eight coun­tries took up the chal­lenge and ded­ic­ated 14 months to build­ing their skills by put­ting in ex­tra work, time and en­ergy.

The fourth and fi­nal mod­ule of the KAEFER Ju­nior Lead­er­ship Pro­gramme in South Africa was suc­cess­fully com­pleted re­cently.

This edi­tion of the JLP was marked by the pan­demic. There­fore, a big round of ap­plause is due to all par­ti­cipants, train­ers and every­one in­volved in the or­gan­isa­tion of the mod­ule for their per­sever­ance, com­mit­ment and over­whelm­ing good spir­its in bring­ing this edi­tion to life and now to its con­clu­sion!