World Environment Day 2022


In hon­our of this year’s World En­vir­on­ment Day today, we asked KAEFER em­ploy­ees all over the globe to de­scribe Earth in one word to raise aware­ness since there is only one Earth.

The re­sponses show the value of the planet to our col­leagues world­wide. For many, the Earth rep­res­ents our home. Just like any other home we must take care of it and do our best to pre­serve its re­sources.

For this reason, we will be sup­port­ing The Ocean Cleanup ini­ti­at­ive, which tackles the prob­lem of plastic pol­lu­tion in the ocean – a home to many or­gan­isms on Earth.

We in­vite every­one to sup­port our dona­tion to The Ocean CleanUp with a con­tri­bu­tion: KAEFER FOUNDATION. Even a small dona­tion can help to make a change.